Love your use of strings over a bass guitar, and the horns are frikkin' majestic.
Love your use of strings over a bass guitar, and the horns are frikkin' majestic.
Ahahaha thanks man :)
But ain't no one gon defy da funk!
So glad you shaved your scrotum, it obviously helped!
a freshly shaven sack never hurt anyone...
Fuckin' legendary, dude!
Thanks, man. I look forward to rapping against all the greats, you among them.
That shit is spicy!
Heh heh, awesomeness!
You lie!
Sweetness all round. When Wolfie's verse started, I thought he was a young Morgan Freeman. XD
haha, his voice does sound fairly similar. Thanks for the review
Voice actor, vocalist, MC.
Unemployed Bum
Land Down Under
Joined on 4/5/11